Technical News


Joomla 2.5 to 3.x migrations


joomla-30-logoAs we enter the summer holiday period we are happy to announce that we have migrated more than half of our customer base over from Joomla 2.5.x to Joomla 3.x.


We will continue with the migration of the remainder after the holiday period.


In some cases the required Joomla extensions are not yet available for Joomla 3.x. and hence they will have to wait, or alternatively we will have to find replacement extensions that are compatible.


We will keep each customer posted as the Joomla 2.5 platform reaches end of life.


Joomla 3.3.1 Upgrade


gaatec-joomla-upgradedJoomla recently released version 3.3.1 of their awardwinning platform.


Joomla 3.x is the latest CMS platform from Joomla and we are by the way in the process of upgrading all our Joomla 2.5.x sites to this new platform.


We therefore currently have a number of sites on Joomla 3.x, and within hours of this release we had upgraded all affected portals accordingly.


More info on this relase on:



Upgrade from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.x


joomla-30-logoAs the next "Long Term Release" of Joomla is on the way, we now develop all new websites in Joomla 3.x.


The only exceptions to this are where the functionality or required extensions are not yet available for Joomla 3.x.


Theoretically the migration from Joomla 2.5.x to Joomla 3.x is easier than the migration from Joomla 1.5.x to Joomla 2.5.x, but it is in most cases far from a "one click upgrade".


However, after a good bit of trial and error, combined with countless hours researching various Joomla forums, we have now successfully migrated a handful of sites across to Joomla 3.x. We will therefore going forward migrate all of our customerbase across.


We also welcome anyone with either Joomla 1.5.x sites, or Joomla 2.5.x sites to come forward for a free assessment and quote for such migrations.